What is Emarketing?

To start defining e-marketing, it is really necessary to clarify the meaning of “Marketing”. So let’s do it…

When I chose to study Marketing everyone asked me: “What’s that?” and I used to answer: “It’s to create Ads, commercials, apply surveys, stuff like that” I didn’t have a clear idea, so I wasn’t able to give the “right” answer.

The first definition that I read was the one given by the American Marketing Association, that tell us that Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. We have different concepts from different sources, and almost all of them focus on satisfying the client necessities and in adding value to the perception that they have of the product/service.

I kept looking for a definition that described Marketing until I found one that says: “Marketing is everything, and everything is marketing.” I think that this one is the best because if we look around us we can find marketing everywhere; our world is full of brands, slogans, logos, ads, promotions, and all.

Today’s world is connected with the internet, so it became necessary the development of emarketing. Emarketing is a translation of all the traditional marketing tools into a digital language. The main difference between emarketing and traditional marketing is that once that you’re online, your business is automatically inside the worldwide web, this means that you need to be prepared for the different markets. It seems a simple definition, but there are many issues which are part of it.

I’ll try to write about the latest and most important advances on Emarketing to be prepared for the “Emarketing World”.

Juan Francisco