No more ".com"

The domains (those words after the dot like .com) are about to change. There exists a proposal to expand the domains, so maybe by the end of the year there could be hundreds of different words as domains. Coca-Cola could use .pop, Milkyway .chocolate and MTV .music. Any word could be used the only limitation would be the marketer or the company’s budget.

The initial cost estimated by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (nonprofit agency that oversees the distribution and policy of domain names) is $185,000 for registration plus an amount from $25,000 to $75,000 in annual fees. But if two brands want the same domain there would be an auction, and the highest bidder will get the domain.

Some Pros of the “new” domains” could be that new brands that don't yet have an online presence could use the domains to distinguish themselves. For example a new fast food restaurant could use .fastfood, and have a competitive advantage. On the other hand, companies with large portfolios of brands (Unilever and Procter & Gamble) will end up paying a lot of money if they buy lots of generic domains.
In my opinion this could represent confusion for customers, because there will be lots of domains, and it will be more difficult than just using the worldwide famous .com. Is this a real positive advantage?

Juan Francisco