Pringles wrote on Joahniito's wall..???

Today, as always, I logged into my Facebook account, and the first thing that I saw was... “Changes to the Home page are coming soon”. But what are those changes?

First, the home page will have general news and filters to allow you to choose the information, friend lists, and applications that you want to see. You will also be able to share the content on the home page with your friends. The Facebook pages (the ones for brands) will be like a “normal” profile and instead of being apart; they will be mixed with the human friends’ profiles on the social graphs.

And what are the implications for marketers? Now, the brands won’t be restricted to only use “pages”, now they will have the same opportunities that Facebook users have, control profile, communication and publishing posts on people’s home pages!!! Are brands prepared for that "power"?
All of these changes by Facebook are designed to put more information into the home page. But I think that it is really different to be able to see that your high school friend has tagged you on a photo than reading that Pepsi has a new image. I just hope not to have my homepage full of ads on March 11, when these changes will have started, because seriously I would “unfriend” all the brands if they annoy me.

I'll add an image that I found today and i liked it.

Juan Francisco